Eternal Love

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011 23:27 Publicado por Jesús Díaz

One of the most poetic and dramatic stories of eternal love is that of the passion between Pedro, prince of Portugal, and the beautiful Inés de Castro.

Their great love was opposed by King Alfonso IV, who ordered the woman killed in 1355. When the disconsolate prince became king under the title Dom Pedro I, he had the corpse of his unlucky lover disinterred and formally wedded her.

Then had two monumental tombs sculpted for himself and his lover, placing them symmetrically in the transept of the abbey church de Alcobaça. the two sepulchers were set facing one another, so that, when they reawaken on Judgment Day, Inés and Pedro can find each other at once and embrace for eternity.

(Images. Pedro e Inés, Companhia Nacional de Bailado do Portugal)

1 Response to "Eternal Love"

  1. Maggie Says:

    Yora??? A qué se debe este texto??? Qué sorpresa, de verdad!!! Los Castro son un linaje interesante... yo los conocí, sí, por Juana La Loca, ya que el Marqués de Villena de entonces fue su carcelero en Tordesillas... Así que prostituta, asesinatos, envenenamientos, carceleros =S Qué linaje !!! Las intrigas palaciegas y los amores de cortes UFF! Son mi placer culposo :)

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